Water as an energy source: how to harness its potential in everyday life

 Water as an energy source


How to use the potential of water in everyday life

Water keeps us fit. We have already learned from a previous article on our 'Water in the body: Why a sufficient supply of clean water is crucial for human health' blog how water is important for the proper function of our bodies. Adequate fluid intake can also provide a range of benefits for our health and vitality. To motivate you to drink regularly, here are a few of them.

 Water increases power and strength

As mentioned at the outset, our muscles are 75 percent water. According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, losing as little as 2 percent of your body's water volume noticeably reduces physical performance and can lead to health problems. The athletes who participated in the research experienced a noticeable decrease in stamina due to dehydration and experienced faster exhaustion. In addition, they also showed increased heart rate, impaired heart function and decreased cognitive function. The study also showed that water expelled through sweat removes a significant amount of sodium from the body. Its loss is also thought to impair athletic performance. So drink plenty of water whenever you are physically active – and especially when exercising. When exercising for more than an hour, it is also advisable to replenish minerals such as sodium, potassium, magnesium and other electrolytes that are found in very small amounts in ordinary water. Therefore, include unsweetened ionic drinks or mineral waters, such as Vincentka – the gem of Czech mineral waters.

Water supplies energy and contributes to good mood

Losing as little as 1.39 percent of water from the body can have a negative effect on overall vigour and vitality. "All cells in the body need water to function well," says Dr Ronald Navarro of Kaiser Permanente South Bay Medical Center in California. Navarro explains that cell membranes become less permeable with dehydration. This prevents the flow of hormones and nutrients into the cells and prevents the removal of waste products that subsequently cause cell damage. Now imagine what happens when this happens throughout the body. You are running out of energy and overwhelming fatigue sets in instead, which is likely to adversely affect your mood as well, according to research published in Nutrition Reviews on hydration for everyday health.

Water improves memory and concentration

Fluid intake also affects our nervous system. With a loss of as little as 1.59 per cent of their body water, participants in another experiment experienced reduced work capacity and symptoms of exhaustion and fatigue. So if you want to perform efficiently at work, make sure you drink enough at work. To help you do this, help yourself to a big jug of water and put it on your desk first thing in the morning when you get to work. This will give you an easy reminder throughout the day and let you check how much water you have drunk and how much more you have to drink.

Water helps against headache and migraine

There are many types of pain. Each may be alleviated and treated in a different way. British scientists have found that drinking plain water can help as well. This is especially true for headaches and migraines. Research they conducted on patients showed that water intake increased by 1.5 litres a day significantly reduced the duration of their pain. So if you often get headaches, simply try drinking more.

Water purifies the organism

Whether it is harmful substances from the environment, food or an unhealthy lifestyle, toxins are constantly accumulating in our bodies, and it is water that facilitates their leaving the body in urine and sweat. 

In addition to water and the harmful substances contained in it, those substances that are in excess in the body are also excreted. For example, sodium, potassium, phosphate and calcium ions, but also metabolic products such as uric acid, urea or creatinine.

Water eases digestion

Water facilitates the proper passage of food through the digestive system, and it is water that sees to it that all nutrients are absorbed. In addition, water facilitates the breakdown of complex carbohydrates and proteins and allows the dissolution of minerals.

Promotes weight loss

Even when it comes to weight loss, water is more important than you might think. Sufficiently hydrating the cells promotes their activity, which affects your metabolism. However, if you don't hydrate the cells enough, it puts a strain on them. To save energy, they automatically switch to a 'power saving' mode and work less. As an extra energy reserve, they start to store fat in the body. And we certainly wouldn't want that. When trying to lose weight, on the other hand, you need to keep your cells as active as possible to rev up your metabolism. High-quality, clean water is ideal for this. Water also produces a feeling of satiety. So if you make frequent visits to the fridge to have a little 'nibble' at something, or if you are hungry, try drinking a glass of water first. You will fill your stomach for a while and do something for your metabolism. Perhaps that is why drinking pure water is the basis of detoxification cures, fasts and a part of many diets.

Water rejuvenates the skin

Soft, supple and radiant skin without wrinkles and other signs of ageing is the dream of every woman. You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that drinking water regularly can also help improve skin quality. Research has even found that sufficient fluid intake can also prevent premature ageing. Dr Navarro, who we mentioned earlier, says that hydrating the body can help some people clear their skin and look younger.

Water strengthens immunity

The functionality of our immune system is closely linked to the health of the intestines and the microbiome in them. Even beneficial bacteria in the intestines need plenty of fluids, and water helps the gut to cleanse and regenerate. By drinking water you can positively support the detoxification of your body and prevent a number of infectious diseases.

Water keeps breath fresh

Inadequate fluid intake and subsequent dehydration are a common cause of bad breath. A dehydrated body tries to save water – among other things by producing significantly less saliva. Therefore, the oral cavity is no longer continuously cleansed of food debris and its environment is much more susceptible to the proliferation of microbes. These then cause unpleasant odour. Adequate hydration, on the other hand, can help significantly with odour.

What is the ideal amount od water we need for health?

There are plenty of scientific and medical studies regarding the amount of water you drink per day. We know from our own experience and from many years of working with clients that the answer is very individual and there is no 'general dogma'. Each person is individual and you need to listen to your body and its needs. Eating and drinking well is a challenge for many people, and many times they only start to learn after they become ill and lose vigour. Let's at least devote as much care to our bodies as we do to our cars, our houses and our pets, because it's the only thing we really own here on Earth... And always keep in mind that:

  "Water affects our whole life and it is up to us to choose the quality of water – the basis of our life".

Want to know why drinking water is crucial for humans?

Read the article for more interesting information.

Source:  https://www.newhumanacademy.com